Christmas Ultimatum: How I Taught My Husband & Son a Tough Lesson on Sharing Chores!

The days leading up to Christmas were always a flurry of activity and preparation at our home. Our child Tim was quickly giving up his own obligations…

The Internet is in Chaos Trying to Find a Hidden Leopard in the Snow

We should constantly be completely enthralled with a photograph of the natural world. There are a variety of landscapes and animals on our lovely planet that make…

Ma & Pa and the outhouse

Ma was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollered out… “Pa you need to go out and fix the outhouse! ”Pa replies, “There ain’t nuthin’ wrong…

My Wife Keeps Missing Flights to Visit My Daughter, So I Decided to Board the Plane Alone to…

A 47-year-old man boarded a plane on the way to see his daughter after his 43-year-old wife left to get Starbucks in the airport. It was already…

Some 1970 Quarters Are Worth $35,000. Here’s How To Spot Them!

Do you notice anything different about this quarter? Believe it or not, this quarter sold on eBay for $35,000. Typically, when we think of rare coins, we…

An old lady is speeding down a highway

An old lady is speeding down a highway, when she spots a police officer with a speed gun. The officer signals for her to pull over, and…

10 tips for dating after the age of 50

Remember the thrill of dating in your teens and early twenties? Even if you are keen on dating after 50, you can still have a good time….

Why Most Men Can’t Handle A Strong Woman

Strong women are those who are independent and can handle their problems on their own. They know who they really are and have fought through so much…

Nobody can figure out what he saw in her. One of the most attractive actors in the world is married to this woman.

We’ve only been used to particular Hollywood romance clichés up until this point. Co-stars who have discreet relationships while being investigated for adultery, young, cute couples who…

Let us pray for Sir Elton John

Elton John’s retirement has had a challenging start. Since being brought to the hospital last night, Sir John Elton reportedly has received an update. According to the…