Woman Claims She ‘Spent Three Days in Heaven’ and Returns to Share a Message

A woman who claims she “died and spent three days in heaven” is now sharing her chilling messages from “angelic beings” in the “higher realm.”

Julie Poole, who attempted suicide when she was 21, says that when she was dead, she had an encounter with a “white shimmery figure” who enlightened her with the vision of mankind’s future.

And before sending her back to her body, the otherworldly beings revealed she would return at age 67.

She’s now in her early 60s…

According to an alleged visit to heaven, psychic Julie Poole only has a few years to live and may never see the “Golden Age” she was promised.

In her 20s Poole explains she took an overdose of medication, hoping to end the pain from years of “physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse.”

She was successful for a bit.

Poole says she was “dead” for three days and in that time, she visited a “higher realm,” where she was greeted by unearthly guides who gave her visions that detailed the future of mankind.

Speaking on the Life After Death Near Death Experiences YouTube channel, Poole says, “I suddenly saw my guides and my angels around me and then they lifted me up, and took me up to the Higher Realms.” the UK-based woman adds, “I just remember saying ‘I’m going home’ and they said ‘No you’re not, it’s not your time.’”

“But it hurts too much,” she lamented in the ethereal space where she felt enveloped by white light and love. “I can’t face that world anymore.”

These spirits then apparently told her that before she was born, she chose a life of suffering, despite their warnings that “it would be too hard and too overwhelming.”

“So now here you are at 21 trying to check out…we have to heal you enough to go back,” they communicated.

But Poole, now in her early 60s, was informed that she “will be going at 67.”

The woman, who’s built a career as a “spiritual master” and coach, explains her plan for life was “to clear karma” and “to balance up any harm I’ve done in previous lives by experiencing it in this one.”

She adds, “And to be able to overcome to forgive…forgiveness is one of the highest vibrational forms of love.”

‘Golden Age’

Then she claims to have woken up in her earthly body, recalling a conversation she had with the otherworldly beings who described a “Golden Age” for mankind, which is promised between 2012 to 2032.

“What we mean by the Golden Age is that for millennia now there has been an enormous amount of power, abuse and control,” Poole says she was told. “All of that has been held by the few and has controlled the masses…This Golden Age is bringing an equality across the board, so that which is false and fake and untrue and corrupt will fall away.”

Poole said she champions this idea and suggests we are moving closer to a “day of reckoning,” but “not some sort of Armageddon.”

“This Golden Age,” a guide explained “is about breaking open the shackles of the old. Power, abuse, control, all that has stifled humanity’s true potential.”

“All that is false and fake, untrue and corrupt, will fall away. Equality will no longer be a dream but a reality.”

Asking “how?” the author and spiritualist says the celestial spirits explained that “those like” her are “returning with the message, armed with the truth of what can be…”

ET’s intervention

But that’s not all.

According to Poole, there will be “a lot of activity” from “ETs [extra-terrestrials], aliens,” or “beings of light,” who “are more advanced than us technologically and in every other way. They have been visiting us for many years, and they’ve been helping us for many years, and they do visit, and they have visited.”

And she claims these beings will intervene when those in power get “trigger-happy” with nuclear devices.

She adds, “They will come in, and they will stop it. They will not let us blow ourselves up, they will not let us destroy this planet, they will step in.”

Looks like we don’t have to worry about the end of the world, yet.

What are your thoughts on stories about the afterlife? Please let us know what you think and then share this story so we can hear what others have to say!

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