Where is Melissa Sloan from? Mom of two with 800 tattoos banned from pub and school

Woman from Wales, UK talked about how tough life has become after she got 800 tattoos done on her body. (Image via @JebraFaushay/ Twitter)
Woman from Wales, UK talked about how tough life has become after she got 800 tattoos done on her body. (Image via @JebraFaushay/ Twitter)

Melissa Sloan, a woman from Wales, United Kingdom, has made her way into the headlines after she got herself covered from head to toe in tattoos. As per Melissa, the woman has close to 800 tattoos. However, this expensive affair and obsession are now making the situation tough for her as she has been banned from schools, pubs and even tattoo parlours.

Claiming to be the “most tattooed person in the world,” Melissa Sloan shared that she previously had a toilet cleaning job. However, after her adventure with tattoos, she is not even able to crack a similar job. Talking about her struggles related to work, she said:

“People have said I have never had a job in my life, but I have had one once and it didn’t last long. If someone offered me a job tomorrow, I would go and work. I would take that offer.”

Furthermore, Melissa, who is a mother of two, also claimed that she had to watch her kids from a window once as she was not allowed inside the school. At the same time, many tattoo parlours also deny entry or services to her, claiming that she has some sort of tattoo addiction. While life becomes tough for Melissa Sloan, the woman still gets approximately 3 tattoos in a week.

“If I make it to 70 I’ll still be getting them”: Details explored as Melissa Sloan claims she has three layers of tattoos on her face

While Melissa is banned from various public places like bars, pubs, tattoo parlours and even schools, the woman states that all of this will not stop her, as she will continue to get more and more tattoos. Talking about the same, she said:

“If I make it to 70 I’ll still be getting them. Every bit of skin will be covered even if I’m turning blue, my face is already turning blue. I look like a Smurf.”

Furthermore, she claimed that she barely has any skin left on her face and has got three layers of tattoos on her face. She said:

“I’ve got three layers on my face. I probably have the most tattoos in the world, and if not then at the rate I’m going on I probably will have in the end. I keep going over and over them.”

Since every inch of Melissa’s face and body is covered with ink, she doubles and tripes them up with more tattoos. However, Melissa Sloan also realises that all the tattoos have made her appearance extremely different, and due to that reason, she is never invited to her kids’ events in their school.

Melissa claimed that she wanted to get into the Guinness Book of Records. On the other hand, as the news spread on social media, many social media users advised her not to get any more tattoos. However, there were also a handful of people who appreciated her courage.

Nonetheless, Melissa still continues her quest to cover every inch and centimetre of her body with tattoos.

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