Am I Wrong for Painting a Curse Word on the Wall of My Friend’s New House?

A Reddit user shared a conflict involving himself, a friend, and the friend’s wife after a painting incident in their new home. The user, with maintenance skills, was helping the couple fix their fixer-upper property. While painting the dining room, the wife allowed their dogs in, causing a mess.

Frustrated, the user wrote a curse word on the wall using primer but finished the job. The wife was upset, and the friend demanded an apology. Refusing, the user continued working for free until the friend asked him to return, retracting the demand for an apology. However, the wife badmouthed the user, causing division in their friend group.

The user feels unjustly treated, having worked for free and dealt with the wife’s actions. Reddit users generally side with the helper, suggesting the couple should apologize for the dog incident. The user is torn about continuing to work for an ungrateful person and refuses to apologize. Despite completing the painting, tensions persist, leaving the couple’s home unfinished or requiring paid assistance. Online opinions largely sympathize with the user’s stance.

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nice girls..


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